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At InsideOut Beauty Co, we believe that getting to know who God is helps us to trust Him more, fills our minds with peace, empowers us to live in grace, and makes us radiant with beauty from the inside out! We seek to help women get to know the heart of their Heavenly Father on a deeper level by providing resources that promote an intimate understanding of His character and His unconditional love for them.

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Hi! I'm Laci, and I'm the founder of InsideOut Beauty Co. I started InsideOut Beauty Co because, like many Christians, I subconciously always felt like I had to earn God's love. I felt like being obedient enough and following enough rules would make me worthy of a relationship with Him. I knew about salvation and grace and God's faithfulness, but I hadn't actually experienced them in my own heart. Even though I have been a Christian since I was a kid, it wasn't until recently that I felt like I was truly getting to know God for the first time. God broke through all the lies I grew up believing and brought His unconditional love, abounding grace, and true peace into my life, and He taught me how to trust Him...

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