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Welcome to InsideOut Beauty Co!

Jul 31, 2024

3 min read




Balloons, Celebrate, Welcome

Wherever you are in your Christian walk, I couldn't be more excited to join you on your journey towards the unconditional love, abounding grace, and true peace that God has for you! Recently, God took me on a similar journey, teaching me to know and trust Him in a way I never had before. I became a Christian as a young child and knew about salvation and grace and God's faithfulness, but I hadn't actually experienced them in my own heart. Like many Christians, I subconciously always felt like I had to earn God's love and my worthiness to have a relationship with Him by being obedient enough and following enough rules. Then, when I failed, I felt like I had to earn it all over again. But the more I got to know Him, the more I began to see that those were lies I was believing from satan. God started replacing the lies with the truth about His character and His love for me, and I know He wants to do the same for you!

Patiently, He walked with me through different classes, books, and studies that led me to knowing and experiencing Him more. One of the studies that has had a significant impact on getting to know Him in a new and deeper way than I ever had before was The Bible Recap. It's a one-year Bible study plan that gets you in God's Word every day with accompanying videos to explain what's going on in each day's reading. Before then, I knew that He was faithful and trustworthy and kind and good, but I began seeing all of these characteristics in every story of the Bible with my own eyes and also experiencing them in my own life. I felt like I was finally able to begin really trusting Him and resting in His faithfulness for the first time in all my years of being a Christian.

Getting to know God through reading His Word and meditating on it, resting, spending focused time in His presence, and other spiritual disciplines creates such a beautiful intimacy and closeness with God because they provide opportunities for Him to reveal Himself to us. But it can be hard... really hard... to practice these disciplines, especially with the demands and busyness of life, family, and work. However, they are a key part of living the abundant, peaceful life He has for us. I would try in my own strength to practice these disciplines and would fail, but like His Word says, His grace is sufficient for us and He is our ever-present help. All we have to do is ask! He is ready, patient, and faithful to help us draw closer to Him and experience His goodness... whether it's surrounding us with a supportive community, leading us to a specific course or study, or even increasing the love and desire we have in our hearts for Him. He is always faithful to meet us right where we are and to provide us exactly what we need.

I believe that the journey God has for each of us is just as unique as He made each one of us to be! He knows there is no such thing as "one size fits all" because He didn't create us that way. For that reason, my goal is to provide resources that create opportunities to experience God's heart, His character, and His presence in unique ways for each person.

I pray that you are richly blessed through your experience with InsideOut Beauty Co and the resources we provide. And most of all, as you experience God's unconditional love for you and get to know His character on a deeper level than ever before, I pray that you will trust Him more and experience new levels of His peace and grace in your life that make you radiant with beauty from the inside out!

Jul 31, 2024

3 min read