God Never Turns Away From His Children
Sep 2, 2024
2 min read

When we sin or feel like we've fallen short of God's standards in some way, we can be really hard on ourselves and even turn away from God, feeling unworthy of a relationship with Him. That's what Adam and Eve did after they disobeyed Him in the Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:8 says they hid from God.
But God's response was very different. He was looking for them.... He was pursuing them in their sin and disobedience (Genesis 3:9). And that's what He does with us when mess up. We often pull away from God, thinking that He's mad at us and disappointed in us and that He's just waiting to punish us. But He does just the opposite. He doesn't turn away from us... instead He runs toward us with forgiveness, grace, and compassion.
God is completely Holy and perfect and, therefore, cannot be in the presence of sin, and Adam and Eve did have to be removed from the Garden as a consequence of their sin. However, we never have to face the consequence of being separated from God's presence for our sin because Jesus took that consequence for us on the cross.
God paid the most costly price of sending His Son, Jesus, to die for us, so that we would never have to be separated from Him. If He went to such great lengths to be so close to us, why would He ever turn away from us? He knew every mistake we would ever make, every lie we would ever tell, every time we would ever be prideful, etc, which is WHY He sent Jesus for us. He knew we, as imperfect human beings, would always fall short of His standards, but He wanted to be close to us anyway. After all He has done to be close to us, God would never turn away from His children. So, the next time you're tempted to turn away from God because You feel like You did something wrong, remember that He is looking for you and welcoming you with open, loving arms.
I hope you'll jump into His lap and spend some time with Him right now, soaking up His love being poured out over you and His grace that covers you completely. ♥